Limitless Minds: The latest neuroscience and learning that shows you can learn anything

Illustration by Cayla Basson

Recent years have seen an explosion of scientific evidence showing that there is a different way to learn, lead and live. When people take a limitless approach to learning, different pathways open up. Mindset messages are important but they do not take root unless they are accompanied by a different approach to content and life. In this session we will consider what this different approach is. We will think together about ways to learn, lead and live without barriers.

Illustration by Liani Malherbe

Modern education is not compatible with the limitless approach. It does not give time to figure things out on my own. How can we balance knowing this?

It is good to encourage struggle. But how do we gage how much struggle is too much?

If it is true that every student have limitless potential, why is it that so many students say that they are either good or bad at mathematics?

How do you feel about the language of emotion being more front and center in cognitive development?

How do mistakes increase the brain ability to grow?

What is the importance of working in a group in mathematics?

Mindsets need to change, where should we start: with the students or the teachers?

How do we get the oldest students to embrace this new idea?

Discussion changing mindsets removing assumptions.

Jo Boaler

Stanford Professor

Author of 14 books and numerous articles; a White House presenter on gender;
co-founder; co-leading a K-12 Data Science;
Named as one of the 8 educators “changing the face of education” by the BBC


Rizwana Roomaney


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