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Writers Needed for Volume 3: The human side of mathematics.

Calling all writers

Fill in the Google form to sign up to write for the new volume of Wisaarkhu, and we will get in touch with you to discuss your contribution.

Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.

Article/Pre Submission Requirements

All articles must:

  • be a Word document (500-1500 words)
  • be written in Ariel 12pt
  • have a title, bold and underlined
  • have distinct paragraphs
  • be saved with a name of the form: Wisaarkhu_NameOfAuthor_VolumeNumber
  • include the keywords of the column in the document (for the purpose of article tags on the website)
  • own photographs, illustrations and art are welcome and appreciated, or that of someone else used with permission (include their name)
  • include your name, email address, and a clear portrait photo of yourself at the end of the document
  • include your affiliation (e.g. student (year), lecturer, psychologist, etc., discipline plus location)
  • any use of external resources must be referenced appropriately and uniformly. Only legitimate sources will be accepted
  • it is encouraged to be succinct and to use bullet points to organize, clarify the column and make it accessible to most.

Bring humanity into your piece!
We want to get to know the human being behind it.

Email your submission to, along with a signed copy of the declaration of ethics, and it will be sent for editing and consideration.

Send an email
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