Supervising PhD students: the journey ahead and the journey within

Shepherd Mpofu recounts his experiences during his PhD journey and poses important questions and dilemmas involved in supervising a varied bunch of students. While it is important to have certain essential training, he warns us against spoon feeding and taking a “one size fits all” attitude towards teaching and supervision. As Oprah Winfrey once said “A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself”.

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Embracing Humanity for Stronger Supervision    

In this article, Dr Kati reflects on how the high drop-out rate of PhD students in Kenya prompted him to re-evaluate his role as a research supervisor. Dr Kati writes about the importance of mentorship, empathy and nurturing professional development during a student’s journey.

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Inspirations from Within: A Supervisor’s Journey of Encouragement and Vision

Dr. Winnie Waiyaki’s captivating narrative describes her journey from a modest background to doctoral success, entwined with her mother's unwavering encouragement. As she traces her path from mentee to mentor, Waiyaki shares invaluable insights into the transformative power of inspiration in academic supervision.

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