Why Mathematics is to be embraced not feared

Chad Davies discusses how the fear of Mathematics results from a misunderstanding of what Mathematics truly is. We need to unlearn this fear, and change the way we view Mathematics and its relationship to the world around us.

Illustration by Elham Ghaedi

It was an informative article, articulating some reasons why Mathematics is not something to be feared, but rather embraces. The author gives us insight into his personal relationship with Mathematics, that of a powerful tool for describing the world around him, and why it is important for society to understand mathematics.

Why do people fear mathematics?

I believe people often fear mathematics because they fear being wrong or are afraid of failure. Mathematics is frequently imposed on us from an early age due to its importance, and the emphasis placed on excelling in mathematics can create anxiety. Most individuals perceive it solely as a subject they must learn to pass exams and cannot afford to fail.

How do I think mathematics should be viewed? While it may be unrealistic to expect everyone to be excited about mathematics, I believe a significant step forward would be for people to see it as it truly is: not just a set of answers, but a language for describing problems and reasoning through their solutions. It is not a dry, repetitive process but rather a field full of creativity and room for individuals to showcase their unique thinking. Personally, as someone who loves physics, mathematics is how I understand and describe the world. It serves as the tool I use to attempt to comprehend that which is beyond my current understanding. Mathematics transforms the world into an intricate and beautiful puzzle I have the privilege of trying to solve. To draw an analogy, while most people may not aspire to learn to play a guitar, they can appreciate the music it produces and understand why some dedicate their time to learning it. I believe mathematics can be viewed in a similar way. While only a few may feel a deep calling to understand it intricately, many more might answer its call and fear it less if we were taught to see it as the creative and intuitive process it truly is.

Illustration by Liani Malherbe

Why should our perspective on Mathematics be different?

As most are aware, science can achieve remarkable feats. It can improve our lives, safeguard our environment, and make the world safer and more beautiful. To fear mathematics is to fear the language of science and the most effective means of describing our world. If we can overcome the fear of mathematics, we learn not to fear understanding our surroundings. Ultimately, I believe that a society unafraid of comprehending its environment is best equipped to ensure the sustainable operation of that environment, maintaining its safety and progress while leaving future generations with more tools for prosperity and fewer problems to manage and mitigate.

Chad Davies

3rd Year Bsc Theoretical Physics, Stellenbosch University

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