A wish to who we want to be
absent at birth yet gifted at enlightenment.
Wishing to be unique, unlike any before or any after
starts at perspective.
All are naturally given a number in a system
but merely a composite of others:
the sum of their parents
and a product of society;
composed of numbers before,
composed of numbers before.
They seem to follow the same routine.
Born. Grow. School. Job. Kids. Retire. Die.
Just like all the other numbers. Primitive.
Only few find the method to morph the numbers
and find the prime life for themselves.
They see others as primes too, if only they did too.
Not simply just the prime life, but a unique life
they find possible, eager to represent just them,
truly unlike any before and any after.
To the given, they are still composites,
call them “strange” or even “odd”,
yet these numbers are odd to themselves too
and wouldn’t want it any other way.
They know that Two is reserved for One
since they are all a product of One
yet also undivided from Two.
These figures are not detached from reality.
They have not transcended the number
and routine cursed upon them.
They have purely assigned a new number
and routine as a gift to themselves.
Love. Cherish. Inspire. Lead. Forgive. Give. Respect.